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Smartfloor Vinyl Click Flooring is intended for a use in new or old interior premises.
Utility knife, wall spacers, pencil, tape measure, ruler, rubber mallet, carpenters square, pull bar and safety goggles (Saw and hammer if you install the S5403).
Please remove the planks from packaging at least 48 hours prior to installation and allowed to condition in the room where the installation is to take place. Planks may be stacked but must be rested flat. For S5403, it’s possible to leave the packages closed but in a horizontal position in the room for 48 hours prior to installation. Room temperature should be kept between 15°C-27°C. When installing on an underfloor heating, turn it off at least 48 hours beforehand. The floor temperature should never exceed 27°C.
Smartfloor Vinyl Click Flooring can be installed over lightly textured or porous surfaces; well- bonded solid floors; dry, clean well-cured concrete ; wood floors with plywood. This product is not suitable in rooms that could potentially flood or rooms that have damp concrete or saunas. It is not recommended to install the PVC flooring under large windows where the floor is exposed to direct and intense sunlight. When the flooring is exposed to sunlight (presence of window, roof window or skylight), a protection by blanking is required to avoid a significant expansion of the product. Please make sure that all subfloors should be solid, smooth, sound, clean, dry and dust-free before installation. An underlayer is not required for installation but can be used if additional sound insulation is required. If underlayer is used, the thickness must be less than 2mm.
If you install C4030 or C5055: for surfaces larger than 100m² and larger than10 linear meters, a fractionation joint of 8mm must be created in the middle of the room with the addition of a suitable profile.
End of installation
Once the flooring is installed, the circulation and fitting can be done immediately after installation. When installing on an underfloor heating, the heating up must be done gradually (by step of 5°C) for at least 7 days after laying.
For more information, please read carefully the installation instructions provided in each package before your installation.